African Revival Fellowship (ARF) is dedicated to providing the African community with the discipleship, education, and training necessary to bring our members in alignment with Christ’s plan for their life. Through our programs and services, ARF is committed to mobilizing the African Diaspora to encourage spiritual harvest and growth.
Education & Literacy
According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 38% of African adults are illiterate. Africa is the only continent where more than half of parents are not able to help their children with homework due to illiteracy. Our education and literacy programs help improve reading and literacy in the African community.
Evangelism & Discipleship
ARF has prepared our disciples to make Christ known among African ethnic groups in the United States and around the world.
Participation in this program is needed to help bring more of our African brothers and sisters to Christ.
Bible & Christian Literature
The Holy Bible is a vital component in making people feel connected to Christ and His plan for their life. ARF provides our members with literature rooted in the Word of Christ with the purpose of producing spiritual growth in Christian homes. The literature available helps people grow closer in their relationship with God and learn how to put their faith into practice.
Retreat & Ministry Outreach
The African Revival Retreat is an annual event that provides a time and place to reignite the fresh fire in the heart of our attendees. This three-day event takes place in the United States and is a revival focus conference for African Diaspora no matter where they live. For more information, visit www.africanrevivalretreat.org.
Church Planting – Village Churches
Staying true to our mission and vision, ARF is building communities around the world that are centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. As our organization continues to grow, we will plant new congregations in Africa that will contribute to the growth in Christ.
Equipping Missionaries – Africa
We provide missionary training by equipping missionaries with the knowledge, skills, and character development necessary to successfully serve God’s people.
Connect with Us
Learn more about our discipleship, education, and training program by sending us a message through our online contact form.